James Sheppard

Composer / Arranger

As a composer and arranger, James Sheppard is fluent in a wide range of styles and influences, and has a deft ear for absorbing the unfamiliar.  He can score music authentic to specific genres with aplomb – but, if your project requires something unique, James excels at creating unexpected new flavors.  An accomplished Multi-Instrumentalist, James can also perform and record many of these compositions in his private studio, delivering to your exacting specifications.

Music with the power to change everything.

James enjoys applying his life-long passion for music into Composition and Arrangement.  As a composer, he has worked with numerous genres and created original music for various applications.  James approaches every project with attention to detail and finesse, achieving a final product that is commercially competitive while still retaining musicality, emotion, movement, and dynamic.

“I’ve worked with James [Sheppard] for over twenty years.  No matter what he does – recording, mixing, or playing an instrument – he thinks like a producer every step along the way.  This makes it really easy to fit his work right into whatever project you’re working on.”

- Jon Parsons
Engineer, Producer - WavTune

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